Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Teaming up with NutriShop

We are just 9 short days until myself, and a few hundred athletes grace the Emerald Cup Stage. I couldn't be more excited about it. Craig Productions has been in contact with us during the countdown, updating all athletes on the events during the show, any changes being made and even our competition roster line up. They really have it all together and I'm looking forward to a spectacular weekend of events!
I hit a bump in the road with prep that mentally mind F*&#ED me big time. My body just wasn't progressing like it should of (or like it did so rapidly my first prep). Turns out, this is a completely normal thing for the body to do during your second prep. Which I had heard from numerous people that the 2nd time around was always tougher than the first, but I didn't believe how it could be. So as Jason was calmly sitting back and relaxing, I went into panic, crazy  girl mode on him. *sorry Jason* I knew he had a plan, and I completely trust in his plan. I had to relax, calm my nervous system, let Jason do his job and let time tell. We experimented with a few things, first a diet change (I suggested pancakes but he didn't take to the idea), then we took away all cardio for a while {YAY!!!}, then another diet change and threw in cardio once and a while. When still no changes, *damn stubborn body* we went HAM!!! Major diet and cardio change. I currently am eating 8 times a day. Yes, 8 times a day, like a damn infant! I love it. Means I'm shoveling food every 2 hours. *always a fat girl at heart :)* Cardio is double time. Waking up at the crack of dawn for session one of sprints or stairs, then post workout at night for a "relaxing" incline walk on the treadmill. I was a little shocked when I first got the change up, but I told myself its only for 2 weeks....14 days, thats it. I've had it pretty easy to my standards this whole prep so I can handle 2 weeks of this craziness. Bring it ON!
Put in the work, and get RESULTS! Things are finally moving the way we want them too. =) The next 9 days will be a walk in the park. I'm feeling better then ever both mentally and physically. They say nothing good comes easy right!

In other big news, I am happy to announce and more than pleased to be teaming up with NutriShop in Paradise Valley. If you haven't been by there yet (they just opened in Jan), please stop by and see Chris. He is super knowledgeable in all areas of supplements and just a down right cool guy. He recently just ran in the Boston Marathon!! Kuddos to that! Hes been helping me out a ton with product choices during my prep and I can't thank him enough. I'm so blessed to have someone and a company that supports and stands behind me during my competition and throughout prep. Thank You NutriShop!!!

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Reality check

I'm sitting 6 weeks out from the Emerald Cup. It can't get here fast enough!!! Not because I'm not enjoying the prep process, but because I want to be in that moment again. On stage, nervous as all hell, feeling as fabulous as ever, having a great time! The 2013 NPC Western Regional in Mesa Arizona was this weekend, and seeing all the posts and pictures on FaceBook got me super excited for the next 6 weeks and whats to come.
Lately, I've been having a hard time with my scale reading. Its reading heavier than it did 6 weeks out from my previous show. I try not to let it bother me, but lets be real here. It bothers me. Its frustrating when your following the diet and exercise plan and the scale doesn't move like you'd expect. But thats part of the problem. I need to just be better about removing my own expectations that I don't have control over. I have complete trust in Jason and his program and I need to just let go and not stress so much. The number on the scale is just that, a number. We use it as a monitoring system since Jason is long distance. Even though I haven't been ecstatic about the number on the scale, I'm seeing the results in the mirror and in the way my clothes fit, and thats what really matters. I was curious to see where my body was at 6 weeks out from my last show. I take progress pics once a week for Jason {even after doing it for over a year now, I dread the selfie pics}, but I am happy that I do have them. With the pictures I was able to compare my progress 6 weeks out from each show! (a good reason to ALWAYS take progress pics) This definitely put my mind at ease. Looks like I'm right on track!!! It was definitely the positive reality check I needed. Theres definitely some growth in my legs and back too! Yahooo!! BOOTY!!! =)

Wednesday, March 6, 2013


     We are just shy of the 8 week countdown to the Emerald Cup in Bellevue Washington. I know I say it a lot, but DAMN!....time goes by so quickly. The next 8 weeks is major GO TIME! This is also the fun and crazy part of prep for me. I start to diet down, begin posing multiple times a week with Joe Valdez and his prep crew, the training becomes more focused than ever, and of course, the work and social calendar is always insane. I can NOT skip a beat when it comes to diet and training as we wind down to the end. This means always being prepared. Always having my food pre cooked and measured. Lifting and cardio sessions are always scheduled in for the week. There is no room for excuses. Its that simple. And trust me, it really is once you find a routine and keep the rhythm moving forward.
     On Monday I met with Jessica with Glam Girls Swimwear to design my new competition bikini. She was really sweet and wonderful to work with and I'm really excited about my new suit. =) For this competition I went with a gem tone royal blue. Its going to take about a month to make since it is all custom. I'll post pics when I get it. Its gonna be GORGEOUS!!
     My Sundays will now be booked with trips to Costco with Mommy dearest and group posing with Joe. Along with the group session, I will also be meeting with Joe once a week for one on one posing and walking help. ***much needed*** I'm going to have Joe take a weekly picture documenting the dieting down progress over the next few weeks. I started my carb cycling on Wednesday, (March 6th) so this is when the big transformation will start. This is the portion of prep that I LOVE! Seeing how small tweeks in a diet can drastically change your physique floors me! This is the time where will power, determination, consistency and motivation are all tested. But the results are worth the difficult and trying times.
Carb cycling is basically high and low days of carbs. Even on my low days I'm on a plenty big dosage of delicious carbs, but the high days are an overdose of the delicious carb goodness. ***DISCLAIMER*** ***only carb cycle under the supervision and direction of a coach! do not try this on your own.*** For any diet, nutrition and training advice may I HIGHLY suggest seeking out the brilliant mind of Jason Phillips. =)
     As always, its always hard to post pictures of one self. Especially wearing a super small competition bikini. That being said, only kind words please. If you don't have anything nice to say, just don't say it. It takes a lot to open up and post pics. I'm doing it because I want to share the transformation and experience with all of you. So here it goes!!! Thanks for your support! Let the transformation begin!


***i need a tan***  #whitegirl #winter #casper

Saturday, February 23, 2013

10 weeks out!!! ***contest prep round #2***

Flights are booked and registration is paid. I'm headed up to the Northwest for the Emerald Cup in Bellevue Washington!!! In just 10 short weeks I will be stepping on stage (in a NEW, {thinking blue} bikini) for competition #2!!! I am beyond excited for this show. Its stepping up my game a little bit being a bigger more credible expo, but I'm ready for the challenge. BRING. IT. ON!

I'm flying in 4 days early to spend time with my friend Marissa in Oregon. Then we will make the 4 hour drive up to Washington the day before the show starts. Marissa is a fellow competitor (figure class) and has been a true inspiration and loyal sidekick for me during my prep. I can't thank her enough for her understanding, support and hospitality. ***you should follow her blog here***
Contest prep is no different really from the last time. I was able to build some muscle during my short off season (praying for a bigger bootay), so now its time to maintain  muscle and lean the heck out...aka...the fun part. =) Eating is plenty and the lifting is heavy. =) 10 more weeks to stay on track.

One night, while catching on my smut (Star magazine), I was reading my horoscope. "A door from your past will open a door to your future". And what do you know, a door from my long ago past, did open a door to my future. I never would have guessed it either, all with a little help from the mighty Book.......FACEBOOK!
Turns out, an old friend of mine knows a casting director of some sort. This person saw me on her facebook and approached me about fitness modeling. Emails and pictures were exchanges and BOOM! I am signed with Arizona Model and Actor Management. I can not WAIT to start on this next adventure with Gail and her agency. Very much still in shock and almost disbelief until I book my first job and cash in that check!! =)
Hard work and dedication pays off. I am very grateful. And will now always read more into my horoscope. ;)

I hope everyone is having a fantastic 2013 so far and is sticking to their goals and resolutions!

Monday, January 28, 2013

Emerald Cup

Here we are, 14 weeks away from my next NPC competition. I decided on the Emerald Cup, taking place in Bellevue Washington on May 3rd and 4th. Its a huge 2 day Fitness Expo as well. I'm super excited about for it. My friend Marissa, who competes in the figure category (her coach is also Jason Phillips), has  competed here many times and has LOVED the experience. We will be making the trip together for the jammed packed weekend.

I took a nice break over the holidays from a "strict" diet and let myself indulge a bit. Training never quit though, and actually, I think the extra calories (good and bad) fueled my workouts a bit! Since November Jason has me on a strength cycle (think Wendler), followed by a bunch of accessory movements. An example of a leg day would look like this:
Using my 1 rep max back squat:
75%- 5x
85%- 3x
95%- 1x or more
EMOM for 10 mintues:
3x Front Squats, followed by 3x Thrusters (65#)
a bunch of weighted walking lunges, weighted step ups, SLDL etc etc.
THEN, theres more. We finish with a crossfit style workout! This varies depending on what muscle group is the focus that day, and ranges from 8-15 minutes.  It's been fun crossfitting again, but its definitely tough in a globo gym. The training is working the way it should though. Its keeping me "full", building muscle and burning fat. Whats also nice about this programming is that I have ZERO cardio to do. =)
My current menu is super easy (tons of food and variety) and filling too. Gotta eat to fuel these workouts!!!

The next 14 weeks is going to FLY! Spring is always a busy time of year in AZ with all the events we have, and visitors making their way thru. I'm looking forward to it all! I will keep you posted on progress.

Weight: 131#
BF- ??