Sunday, November 25, 2012

Giving Thanks

I hope everyone enjoyed the Thanksgiving holiday this past weekend. Lets not forget what we were thankful this past holiday, and continue to carry and pass on the love and thanks every day of the year.
Happy Thanksgiving to all!!!
the spread

appy table

D and I relaxing, waiting for dessert

the sweets

pumpkin cheddar muffins
I am thankful for my loving family. My health and wellness. The job that I love. My dearest friends. I am thankful for many more tomorrows. Making and achieving goals.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

A week later...

   It's been a week since the competition. It felt weird, not training not being on an eating plan, not going to group posing class on Sunday. There was no routine, no plan. It just felt weird. While I did enjoy the first couple of days, I honestly....couldn't wait to get back on a schedule! Now starts my "off season". Which doesn't mean relax and slack off on training or eat whatever I want (I've already done enough of that this week). My training has switched back over to a more heavy strength movement, with some accessory movements and usually finishes with a "crossfit" inspired workout. I'm really enjoying the change and the intensity of the new programming, I actually get nervous when I see the new workout email come in my inbox everyday (a good nervous). Goals are to continue to build more muscle where needed; glutes, shoulders and lats. I would still like to one day try the figure class (probably take a year at least), but for now I'm going to stick to the bikini class and let my physique decide as we get closer to a show, I'm not going to force anything. 
Since its off season I will also get a weekly cheat meal!! YAHOO!!! Time to finally start checking off restaurants on my huge growing list of places I want to check out. And it couldn't be perfect timing for a off season....its the HOLIDAYS!!! Thanksgiving is my favorite, and I'm going to enjoy every bite if it!! =)

   The show was AWESOME! I had such a blast. It truly was such a great experience. I'm looking forward to continue working with Jason and doing my next one in March. 
5th place
I couldn't be more proud of placing in my first show. And also still very shocked at the same time. Every single competitor in every class brought their A game and looked stunning.

Class "E" top 5 line up
I would like to thank my friends, family and co-workers for your kind support. My sister for flying in from CO to come watch. Thank you to everyone that attended the show (especially Mom and Amanda for attending both long, late nights). A BIG thank you to Jason Phillips for all his hard work and dedication over the last year. I can't wait for our next show!! He is truly amazing at what he does! I also couldn't of done it without Joe Valdez and his wife TJ Kelly, along with the rest of Team PT Joe V for all your help with posing and day of show prep, they all made the weekend so effortless. And much love to all my new friends I've made at the show!

Monday, November 5, 2012

96 Hours and counting...

We had our last Sunday group posing session . I'm going to miss the weekly posing crew. It was so cool to watch all of our bodies change week to week and have people to talk to that could relate to the experience we were all sharing.
I also had fun watching the physique women and body building men pose. Its a workout in itself for them to pose! One of the girls was practicing her routine to "Gundam Style". It was pretty freakin cool. She did the exact dance moves, then would morph into the required posing (think bicep curls and ab flexing) for the physique category. Definitely something to watch if you are going to the show.
4 more days....thats it! Just 4 days! HOLY. COW! I'm so thankful that I took most of this week off from work. I can focus on the remainder of my prep and relax. Turns out, I will be lifting until Thursday. No complaints here, it will keep me busy and my mind occupied. My split will look like this:
Monday- Back
Tuesday- Shoulders
Wednesday- Chest/Bis/Tris
Thursday- Upper Body (Pump up workout, light weight/fast reps)
Should be a fun week of workouts! Thursday will also be my carb up day (I like the sound of that), so the workout is more full body to get the carbs into my muscles to finish filling me out.
Today I meet with Joe for some more one on one posing. My body is coming in perfectly, but gotta nail down the stage presence! There was a girl in class yesterday that had it down pat! For the first time, I saw my competition. The girl in the pink bikini. She is my rabbit for the next four days.  Nothing is going to stop me.
#eat #sleep #train #work #hustle #kill

My post show stash. Can't wait to dig in! Feel free to add to it. =)
**Christmas bread, baked goods from clients, fun size candy, ice cream, treats my dad brought from Canada, Cadbury Mini eggs (my FAV, I will NOT share these)**

Friday, November 2, 2012

Final countdown

Its actually here. The final week of prep. I can not believe that in 7 days I will be stepping on stage, in a bikini, wearing heels, with a super dark tan and a smile on my face!!! And I couldn't be more excited for it!!! No matter what the final outcome is, I know that I have worked so hard, and learned so much from this experience. There's nothing I would take back, or wouldn't do all over again.
A lot of people have asked me if there is a prize, or prize money if you win this type of competition. There is not, at least not at the novice (local) level. I was never doing this for the prize. I've been doing it for ME! Yep, selfish right. ME!!! Its been close to  a ten year goal of mine to do a show, and as approach 30 years old, I'm finally doing it. BOOM! Theres one prize. The new physique I've achieved....BOOM...another prize. The knowledge in nutrition and training.....theres a 3rd and 4th prize. The pride, will power, determination, the work, the hustle.....the list goes on. All prizes in my book. And I'm taking it all home. =)
The final week of prep is super important. I will meet with Joe (posing) everyday until the show. I will continue to lift until 2 days before the show. Cardio will still be done fasted for 30  minutes everyday, but I can only WALK on the treadmill with an incline. Its normal for the body to fight a little at the end with the body fat drop, which is exactly what mine was doing, so we had to turn the cardio down a notch. I'm ok with that! Its actually kinda relaxing to do something less intense for a change.  I have all my appointments set up for the next week; nails, hair, waxing, tanning and of course a massage!
Jason changed my diet for the final week as well. Guess what......MORE CARBS!!! GASP!!! I don't fully understand it, but I guess we are "carbing" me up, or "filling me back out". So every meal has a protein (tilipia, chicken or egg whites) paired with a carb (cream of rice, white rice or yams). Doesn't sound to bad does it? I know most of you think that all a bikini competitor eats is air and water. Its so not the case here, and I actually get pretty defensive when people make silly assumptions. (I'm sure there are plenty of other girls on a zero carb, miserable eating plan, and I feel bad for them) I've said it before and I will say it again...Hired. The. Right. Trainer. =)
Halloween came and went and not only did I not eat one piece of candy! I really didn't even want any!! Thats huge for me. I love Halloween fun size candy. I did freeze some. Act like. 
Feeling really good about everything entering the final phase of prep. Getting lots of sleep and drinking plenty of water. Dreaming about my post show meal and treats! Who's buying?!? =)

Thanks for following my blog! It means a lot.
Keep you posted on the next 7 days!! =)

Need tickets? Click here

Friday, October 19, 2012

21 more days

Its been an exciting week of prep!!! =)
I was FINALLY able to pick up my suit after a torturing 4 weeks of waiting. Which isn't very long in the greater scheme of things to have a custom bikini made, but I just could NOT wait to see it!! I am more than pleased with how it turned out. Tell me what you think!!! I'm gonna try not to post any pictures of me in it....saving that for the big day!!
***bling bling***
 As I was driving out to Buckeye to get my bikini I got a phone call from my sister Kate telling me that she will be in town for the show! I am beyond words excited for her to come to Arizona and be there for my big weekend. I LOVE YOU KATE!!!!

As far as prepping goes, its just another week except now I'm getting MORE FOOD!!! *not a typo* Yep, MORE FOOD people. More carbs, the good stuff, if you want to get technical. I'm on a random rotation of a high cal, medium cal and low cal day. The calories only vary by 200-300 give or take. On the high cal (carb) days and the days following these high days I tend to have that hungry, I could probably eat everything you put in front of me and never feel full type of feeling ....that's the only bad part about these extra carbs. But being hungry is a good thing! It means it fueled my engine back up into a fat burning, muscle building, leaning out MACHINE! These next 3 weeks is when a lot of changes will be happening. I'm so excited...I think I'll go eat more carbs!! ;)

Weight- 119#
Body Fat- 12%  *finally got an accurate 7 point pinch test*

I can't thank everyone enough for all your support and kind words of encouragement. I couldn't do it without you!!!

**Buy ticketes here**

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Ticket Sales

Tickets for the November 9th and 10th NPC Western Regional are on sale now!!!
It is assigned seating, but people tend to come and go all night long, so you will be able to move around, but may get asked to move at some point.
I will know on Thursday November 8th what time my category is going so keep posted to the blog and/or facebook for more info.
The July show was nearly sold out, so get them while they are HOT!

For ticket sales click -------> here <-------

See you all at the show! And thank you in advance for all your support and putting up with my craziness!

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Before and After

  WOW!! I can't believe the NPC Western Regional Show is only 5 weeks away! That's only 35 days!!! Holy. Shit!! *excuse my french* *sorry mom*
  Things are right on track.....actually AHEAD of the track. =) I couldn't be more than pleased. Doesn't mean its time to slip though. Training is still strong and eating is on track. Although I'm still waiting for Jason to email me and tell me I'm allowed a burger. *wishful thinking*
  For the last few weeks I've been putting some extra focus on my glutes. I met with Joe earlier in the week to go through some movements. Yep....I can feel my glutes! ON FIRE! So everyday I try to incorporate a few extra glute exercises into my routine. Hoping it pays off in the end. #bounceaquarteroffmyass

  Strength and cardio sessions are still at 5x a week. I've started doing bleachers Sunday mornings, which I LOVE. Whos game to join me?!?! Come on, its GORGEOUS out in the morning!!! Menu plan is the same. I get weekly random refeeds to shock my system. Its crazy how adding a serving (4oz) of yams, or a little extra white rice (1/3c) can jolt the system into overdrive and revv the metabolism. BOOM! #shredded
  Weight- 121#
  Body fat- 16-17%

  I've been avoiding doing this, but after a friend  posted her body transformation, I thought I would follow suit. I give credit to anyone that has posted a transformation pic, it takes a lot of guts! The picture on the left is from the first week of January 2012. I was just lifting heavy at globo gym, loosely following an eating plan, and little to no cardio, maybe dropping into a crossfit class every now and again. Fast forward 9 months to the picture on the right, taken Wednesday Oct 3, 2012. I've been with Jason for 10 months (hired him in Dec 2011), and started following his menu and training program. On July 4th we booked my show.  There is so much I could say about the last 10 months with Jason but I will save that for another post. #consistency #dedication #willpower #drive #GOAL #work #hustle #kill
crossfit junkie                    globo junkie

"Champions do not become champions when they win the event, but in the hours, weeks, and months they spend preparing for it." -Alan Armstrong

Tickets for the show are on sale already. click -----> here <-----
There is no rush to buy. They shouldn't sell out.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Catch up.....its been a while

I am just under 7 weeks from the NPC show on November 9th. WOW!!! Time truly does fly. It seems like yesterday I had just marked the date on my calendar. But a whole 11 weeks have just whizzed by us!!! In no time, I'll be counting down the days, then the hours, then the minutes until showtime, not by weeks or months anymore.
Some changes have been made. GOOD changes. I hired a posing coach. Got a menu change. And, drum roll please...........I will NOT be competing in the figure category at this time. And I'm TOTALLY cool with it! To catch you up, I hired Joe Valdez for my posing. He knows his strut! Hes been posing and training girls for years, and as a body builder and ex FORD model trainer, he is most definitely the best guy for the job to coach my klutzy ass to pose and walk in a pair of clear high heels. He brought up the idea of me competing in the bikini category vs figure based on my overall "look" and size. This whole time I thought i was to "big" and muscly to be a "bikini" girl, and that figure was the way to go. But, as it turns out, athletic and muscle is what they WANT for bikini! Its just a "softer" look compared to the figure girls. My dreams of doing figure are not over yet though. Joe and Jason both say that  I am well suited for figure, but at this point, i just don't have the muscle mass to be as competitive with the other figure girls in my height class. So what does this mean?!?! This means I can eat my way through the holidays (mass gain!!!), continue to train the way I do to build more muscle, and then come spring, I should be good to do figure class. My plan is to see how I do in bikini class this fall, and who knows, I may stick to this class for a while. But its always nice to have a plan for the future and set GOALS! =)
I got to design my bikini this past week. Probably the 2nd hardest thing I've had to do for all of this, after the posing in heels. I went and saw this awesome lady Janine out in Buckeye. Shes been making swimsuits for years and really has a handle on the creative side of it. I went with a deep jewel tone purple number with crystals and glitter and bedazzlement all over it!!! So not like me! I can't wait to see it and I'll  be sure to post it on here when its done. It will only take her about 2 weeks to complete! And the answer is YES! She can make your personalized swimsuit for next summer, for like, less than $100!
 i had a client ask me if I'm doing things that I never thought I would do to get ready for this show. I had to laugh at the question, because the answer is, HELL YES!! For instance, I bought, and have been wearing a corset. Started wearing heels to work. Waxing......I don't think I need to say more...OUCH! Hiring a GUY to teach me to pose/walk. Walking around a gym in my bikini. The list goes on, but I'm LOVING every part of it. This whole process really makes you get to know yourself.
The biggest question......"What are you eating? Probably next to nothing". I get defensive here because I'm actually eating A LOT, and I'm FULL, as in....NOT HUNGRY!!! Want to know another shocker.....I eat CARBS!!!! GASP!!!!
Heres the new menu plan (I refuse to call it a diet):
Meal 1: 40g Cream of Rice, 2oz chicken, 4 egg whites
Meal 2: 4oz flank steak, 1/2c white rice
Meal 3: 1/2c black beans, 1c green beans, 4oz tilapia
Meal 4: 5 egg whites, 1/3c white rice
Meal 5: 5oz yam, 4oz chicken
Meal 6: 8 asparagus, whey protein shake
The carbs and protein is what is keeping me full. I'm not drooping pounds like I was before, but I can definitely see my body leaning out more. Strange how it all works out. #hiredtherighttrainer
Pancake Monday is no longer. =( Its been an entire month since I have had a cheat/refeed. But its all worth it. 
***reminder: this menu plan was designed for me. may not work for everyone. contact Jason to get your personalized plan! ***
Current Weight: 122#
Body Fat: 17%
Cardio is up to 5x per week, but still only for 30 minutes. Strength sessions are still 5x a week. I've been told that I need to build up my glutes more, so don't laugh at me when you see me doing walking lunges where ever I go!
Overall feeling great and energetic. There are days when I do feel some fatigue at the end of the day due to the lean out and my busy schedule, but for the most part.....this is a walk in the park! =)

Here is a picture taken last week striking my bikini pose. BOOM!
Hopefully I can get weekly progress pics posted from here on out.

strike a pose 9/19/12

backside  9/9/12


"You don't always get what you wish for, you get what you WORK for"

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Surprise Birthday

Last weekend my dad, sister Kate and my older brother Steve all met back home in Rhode Island to celebrate my grandmothers birthday. It was a BIG birthday. She turned 90 years old, and plans on living until shes 100!!! How great is that! My Dad and Aunt Denise, with the help of my grandmothers "boyfriend" Tommy, planned a surprise party for her. She had no clue that when she walked into the restaurant that there would be 31 people awaiting her arrival with love, warm wishes, hugs and tears. It was such a special moment and she was so excited to see her family and friends all gathered in one room. Although, she was mad at Tommy for keeping the surprise a secret from her. *good work Tommy*
It was so great to to see family I hadn't seen in years, and meet some of my grandmothers friends and "extended" family. Whenever I go back to Rhode Island I tell myself to make it back more often, it had been 2 years since my last visit and that is far to much time in between trips.
My brother captured some awesome candid moments during the party. He has quite the knack for photography.
a loving moment

Happy Birthday Grandma Marie

Dad and Mom

Steve and G-ma
grandma was 24 in the picture

dad couldn't get through the toast without tears


"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away"

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

small Goal...BIG Reward

Making goals can help keep us on track and focused. It doesn't matter what your goal is, or how big or small it may seem, but setting and sticking to it is the key.
My long term goal is to step on stage and compete in my first figure show on November 9th and 10th, 2012. Sometimes it seems SO FAR away!! 87 days far away, but who's counting right?!?! To keep myself motivated I set weekly and/or monthly goals to hit. Sometimes even daily goals just to make things fun and challenge myself; like making a daily goal of finishing a gallon of water, or hitting a weight goal for the week and/or month. I don't always reward myself once my goals have been hit, sometimes just the feeling of accomplish is so much greater than any thing or reward. My current goal this month is to hit 125# on the scale. I never would imagine that I would ever be 130#, never mind below that weight. So I challenged myself to hit 125#. I'm not doing anything extra in my strength workouts, I'm not adding any extra time to my cardio routine, and I'm definitely not cutting any calories. Just sticking to the current plan. But by setting the goal, it sets the tone and keeps me mentally in the game. Something to reach for. Something to remind me to not slip off the plan. To keep going and not get let down. To have something to look forward to. And once I hit my number, I do plan on rewarding myself for this one. Can someone say LuLuLemon!?!? Every womens love to hate store! Its been a while since I've treated myself to a new outfit from there. But, I gotta earn it. So once I hit 125#,  I'm taking my booty over to the closest LuLu and picking up a new outfit!
Today, my daily goal is to sit by the pool this afternoon and finally finish book 2 of the Shades of Gray series. Keeping it simple and relaxing today.
What are some of your daily, monthly, long term goals? Do you reward yourself?

Current Stats:
Weight- 127.4#
BF- 18.5%
Still no changes to eating plan or training. Although pancake Monday changed to pancake Thursday because my body wasn't ready for the refeed yet.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Stop to smell the pancakes...

This morning I was able to share my pancake Monday with an old friend that I don't get to see very often. It was such a pleasure to have awesome company for my treat meal, it made me think of a post I had read a while back that really resonated with me. I hope it does the same for my readers as it did for me.
There are 24 usable hours in the day, lets not forget to use them wisely. 

The Mayonnaise Jar and Two Cups of Coffee

When things in your lives seem almost too much to handle, when 24 hours in a day are not enough, remember the mayonnaise jar and the 2 cups of coffee.

A professor stood before his philosophy class... and had some items in front of him. When the class began, he wordlessly picked up a very large and empty mayonnaise jar and proceeded to fill it with golf balls. He then asked the students if the jar was full. They agreed that it was.

The professor then picked up a box of pebbles and poured them into the jar. He shook the jar lightly. The pebbles rolled into the open areas between the golf balls. He then asked the students again if the jar was full. They agreed it was.

The professor next picked up a box of sand and poured it into the jar. Of course, the sand filled up everything else. He asked once more if the jar was full. The students responded with an unanimous "yes."

The professor then produced two cups of coffee from under the table and poured the entire contents into the jar effectively filling the empty space between the sand. The students laughed.

"Now," said the professor as the laughter subsided, "I want you to recognize that this jar represents your life. The golf balls are the important things--your family, your children, your health, your friends and your favorite passions--and if everything else was lost and only they remained, your life would still be full.

The pebbles are the other things that matter like your job, your house and your car.

The sand is everything else--the small stuff. "If you put the sand into the jar first," he continued, "there is no room for the pebbles or the golf balls. The same goes for life. If you spend all your time and energy on the small stuff you will never have room for the things that are important to you.

"Pay attention to the things that are critical to your happiness. Play with your children. Take time to get medical checkups. Take your spouse out to dinner. Play another 18. There will always be time to clean the house and fix the disposal. Take care of the golf balls first--the things that really matter. Set your priorities. The rest is just sand."

One of the students raised her hand and inquired what the coffee represented. The professor smiled. "I'm glad you asked.

It just goes to show you that no matter how full your life may seem, there's always room for a couple of cups of coffee with a friend."

Friday, July 27, 2012

15 weeks out

I can't believe how fast 3 weeks can go! Lets hope it continues this way.
Some days are always easier than others. This goes for everyone, everyday, whether you are prepping for a show or not. I was truly put to the test last week when I traveled to Idaho with my mom for a beautiful wedding. Traveling and eating healthy is one thing, but being on a strict detailed diet is a whole other story. I spent the 2 days before leaving packing food for the 4 day trip. Thats right, I had to pack ALL 4 DAYS (6 meals a day) worth of food with me!!! Plus side, no guess work on what I was going to eat for the weekend and I saved TONS of money not having to spend it on food going out to restaurants. I kept telling myself these benefits whenever I would feel frustrated or the urge to indulge. Speaking of indulging, I also had the wedding dinner to look forward to for my re-feed that week! Which was well worth skipping pancakes on Monday for.  Overall the trip was wonderful. The wedding was gorgeous, and McCall, Idaho is definitely a place I would LOVE to visit again. I also feel like I passed the test of traveling while prepping for a figure star for me!!! The next 105 days will feel like a walk in the park. Well, until I travel to Rhode Island in August for my Grandmothers 90th surprise birthday party.
Current stats:
Eating plan still remains the same. Along with cardio and lifting sessions.
Body fat-19%
Weight- 129#
Payette Lake

Mom and I headed to the wedding

The gorgeous bride and handsome groom 

 "In the end, it's not going to matter how many breaths you took, but how many moments took your breath away"
- Shing Xiong

For more Idaho adventure pictures check out my FB page.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Showering the Bride

This afternoon I had the pleasure of attending a co-workers bridal shower at North Bar in Keirland Commons. Corissa is getting hitched on New Years Eve this year and we cannot wait for her and Justins big day to arrive. But today was all about HER!!! I love attending showers, girl talk, drinks, the cheesy games, the yummy food, and of course CAKE! One of my favorite things is the decor and seeing how the final party comes together. Corissa's sister, mother and soon to be sister-in-law put on a very cute, summery shower with bright colors and chevron patterned throughout the venue.
Corissa SCORED in the gift department! Some ladies bought off her registry, but she also received some sexy lacy numbers for herself.
We are so happy for Corissa and very much looking forward to her big day!
love the mason jars

hostess gifts

cupcake mix

mom made these!

guest of honor with her sister in law

beautiful chevron cake

shelley ate enough food for the both of us since i couldn't eat

salon girls
"Wishing you a lifetime full of love, happiness, health and laughter"

Sunday, July 8, 2012

124 days

The date has been set. On November 9th and 10th, 2012 I will be stepping on stage for my very first (and hopefully not last) figure show! I am so excited to have finally set the date for a long time goal of mine.
I hired my trainer Jason, back in December and have been slowly starting the process of figure prep. I had the Crossfit Games Open during the first quarter of the year, then had to take a month off to rest my body, then it took about a month to figure out my diet (my body was being super stubborn), which brings us to present date. So June was really the start of the transformation. And now, we are officially 17 weeks and 5 days away from the BIG DAY!!!
Over the next 17 weeks we will focus on losing body fat (leaning out), while maintaining and building muscle. We are looking for more delts and leaner legs. For figure they are looking for an "X" shape. Well rounded shoulder caps, strong delts (gotta get that lat spread), muscular (but not HUGE) legs, muscle symmetry along with conditioning. I currently lift 5 days a week for about an hour, depending on programming and what body part is the focus that day. Cardio is only 3 days a week for 30 minutes. I usually try and do this fasted in the morning. Most importantly, I take Wednesdays and Sundays to rest. Rest is just as important when training, I cannot stress this enough.
Eating will be the KEY.  No cheating for the next 17 weeks. Pancake Monday will be the only exception (anyone will welcome to join me in my gluttony). I will be following my eating plan super strictly over the next 4 months. NO SLIP UPS!!! I love my current eating plan right now, and it seems to be working, so I hope this doesn't change much. Posted below is my current plan. If you don't see a food and/or drink item on the list, then the answer is "NO, I CAN NOT eat it". I know you think your homemade treat, or just cause its a vegetable is healthy and all, but my meals are programmed with a purpose, with certain marcos, scheduled at certain times with special reasons. I do not deviate from the set meal plans. Its that simple. No guess work. *measurements are specific to me. may not work for everyone.
meal 1:
3 egg whites
2 whole eggs
8 asparagus
meal 2:
125g chicken
1tbsp all natural almond butter
1/2 cup green beans
meal 3:
110g tilapia
1/3 cup rice (brown or white)
meal 4:
125g turkey 99% lean
35g cream of rice
1/2 cup berries
meal 5:
5 egg whites
125g yam
1 tbsp honey
meal 6:
1 scoop whey
8 asparagus

Starting stats:
Weight- 134.6#
Body Fat- 20%-ish

I want to thank everyone ahead of time for all the support you have given me thus far and the continued support throughout this journey. Its going to be a long, hard, FUN experience and I can not wait to share it with you all!!!
And a super special thank you to my trainer Jason. I have nothing but great things to say about him, and his healthy, liveable approach to the world of figure shows. 
As we get closer to the date I will post info about the show, ticket sales, etc, etc.

"Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude." -Thomas Jefferson

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Exploring Arizona

Horseshoe Bend

Taking time off work is always hard to do. We get so caught up in our daily grind, work, meetings, social life and to-do lists. I recently took a MUCH needed 4 days off and went up north to Lake Powell with my parents in their brand new camper. Road trip, camping by the water, hiking, exploring and good old FRESH AIR was exactly what the doctor ordered! So I packed my bags (sans makeup and any "nice" attire, my kind of packing) and my cooler with 4 days worth of prepped and measured meals and we hit the open road!!!
Lake Powell is a man made lake in Page, Az. Its about 5 hours north of Phoenix, not a bad drive and worth it for some cooler weather. There's so much to do up there as well. Tons of house boats and jet skiers, and  hiking trails.  You can also take a dam tour of the Glen Canyon Dam, which is pretty neat (we did it years ago when we were visiting back in the late 90's). We took a rafting tour (about 4 hours long) down the CO river through Glen Canyon. It was very informative and relaxing, we had a great guide and a cool group of people on our boat. one thing that I wish I knew ahead of time though was that I wasn't doing any of the actual rafting!!! So I just soaked it all in and worked on my tan lines. =)
The main reason we went up there was to go take a tour of  Antelope Canyon. I had heard about it through many of my clients and really wanted to see it with my own eyes. Let me just tell you....and just listen. GO!! Go to Antelope Canyon!!! It is absolutely breathtaking! I find it unbelievable that mother nature has created such a beautiful sight for us to see. Just water, wind and sand created this master piece. The entire tour takes only an hour give or take. The length of the canyon (we did the lower canyon) is only 400 meters (the length of one lap around a track). Brad was our tour guide and he did an EXCELLENT job, if you can, request him! He gave us all the history of the canyon, the Navajos, fun folklore and tips for taking great pictures while down in the canyon. He also gave us plenty of time to move around the area and capture tons of pictures at every angle of the canyon.
I'm no Ansel Adams, and all I had was my point and shoot camera, but I think I got some really cool shots! I can't wait to go back and check out the "upper" canyon. Whats cool, is every time you take this tour (especially if you go at different times of day. Best times are between 10am-2pm) it will look different because of the way the sunlight comes through all the cracks in the canyon.

So set some time aside for yourself and get out and explore Arizona! We have so many things at our finger tips that are just a quick road trip away! ENJOY!

"street level" of canyon


getting a hang of the "lighting"

suck it all in


lady in the wind

the wave

the wave



"The wonders of the Grand Canyon cannot be adequately represented in symbols of speech, nor by speech itself. The resources of the graphic art are taxed beyond their powers in attempting to portray its features. Language and illustration combined must fail." -John Wesley Powell