Monday, January 28, 2013

Emerald Cup

Here we are, 14 weeks away from my next NPC competition. I decided on the Emerald Cup, taking place in Bellevue Washington on May 3rd and 4th. Its a huge 2 day Fitness Expo as well. I'm super excited about for it. My friend Marissa, who competes in the figure category (her coach is also Jason Phillips), has  competed here many times and has LOVED the experience. We will be making the trip together for the jammed packed weekend.

I took a nice break over the holidays from a "strict" diet and let myself indulge a bit. Training never quit though, and actually, I think the extra calories (good and bad) fueled my workouts a bit! Since November Jason has me on a strength cycle (think Wendler), followed by a bunch of accessory movements. An example of a leg day would look like this:
Using my 1 rep max back squat:
75%- 5x
85%- 3x
95%- 1x or more
EMOM for 10 mintues:
3x Front Squats, followed by 3x Thrusters (65#)
a bunch of weighted walking lunges, weighted step ups, SLDL etc etc.
THEN, theres more. We finish with a crossfit style workout! This varies depending on what muscle group is the focus that day, and ranges from 8-15 minutes.  It's been fun crossfitting again, but its definitely tough in a globo gym. The training is working the way it should though. Its keeping me "full", building muscle and burning fat. Whats also nice about this programming is that I have ZERO cardio to do. =)
My current menu is super easy (tons of food and variety) and filling too. Gotta eat to fuel these workouts!!!

The next 14 weeks is going to FLY! Spring is always a busy time of year in AZ with all the events we have, and visitors making their way thru. I'm looking forward to it all! I will keep you posted on progress.

Weight: 131#
BF- ??

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