Friday, October 19, 2012

21 more days

Its been an exciting week of prep!!! =)
I was FINALLY able to pick up my suit after a torturing 4 weeks of waiting. Which isn't very long in the greater scheme of things to have a custom bikini made, but I just could NOT wait to see it!! I am more than pleased with how it turned out. Tell me what you think!!! I'm gonna try not to post any pictures of me in it....saving that for the big day!!
***bling bling***
 As I was driving out to Buckeye to get my bikini I got a phone call from my sister Kate telling me that she will be in town for the show! I am beyond words excited for her to come to Arizona and be there for my big weekend. I LOVE YOU KATE!!!!

As far as prepping goes, its just another week except now I'm getting MORE FOOD!!! *not a typo* Yep, MORE FOOD people. More carbs, the good stuff, if you want to get technical. I'm on a random rotation of a high cal, medium cal and low cal day. The calories only vary by 200-300 give or take. On the high cal (carb) days and the days following these high days I tend to have that hungry, I could probably eat everything you put in front of me and never feel full type of feeling ....that's the only bad part about these extra carbs. But being hungry is a good thing! It means it fueled my engine back up into a fat burning, muscle building, leaning out MACHINE! These next 3 weeks is when a lot of changes will be happening. I'm so excited...I think I'll go eat more carbs!! ;)

Weight- 119#
Body Fat- 12%  *finally got an accurate 7 point pinch test*

I can't thank everyone enough for all your support and kind words of encouragement. I couldn't do it without you!!!

**Buy ticketes here**

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Ticket Sales

Tickets for the November 9th and 10th NPC Western Regional are on sale now!!!
It is assigned seating, but people tend to come and go all night long, so you will be able to move around, but may get asked to move at some point.
I will know on Thursday November 8th what time my category is going so keep posted to the blog and/or facebook for more info.
The July show was nearly sold out, so get them while they are HOT!

For ticket sales click -------> here <-------

See you all at the show! And thank you in advance for all your support and putting up with my craziness!

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Before and After

  WOW!! I can't believe the NPC Western Regional Show is only 5 weeks away! That's only 35 days!!! Holy. Shit!! *excuse my french* *sorry mom*
  Things are right on track.....actually AHEAD of the track. =) I couldn't be more than pleased. Doesn't mean its time to slip though. Training is still strong and eating is on track. Although I'm still waiting for Jason to email me and tell me I'm allowed a burger. *wishful thinking*
  For the last few weeks I've been putting some extra focus on my glutes. I met with Joe earlier in the week to go through some movements. Yep....I can feel my glutes! ON FIRE! So everyday I try to incorporate a few extra glute exercises into my routine. Hoping it pays off in the end. #bounceaquarteroffmyass

  Strength and cardio sessions are still at 5x a week. I've started doing bleachers Sunday mornings, which I LOVE. Whos game to join me?!?! Come on, its GORGEOUS out in the morning!!! Menu plan is the same. I get weekly random refeeds to shock my system. Its crazy how adding a serving (4oz) of yams, or a little extra white rice (1/3c) can jolt the system into overdrive and revv the metabolism. BOOM! #shredded
  Weight- 121#
  Body fat- 16-17%

  I've been avoiding doing this, but after a friend  posted her body transformation, I thought I would follow suit. I give credit to anyone that has posted a transformation pic, it takes a lot of guts! The picture on the left is from the first week of January 2012. I was just lifting heavy at globo gym, loosely following an eating plan, and little to no cardio, maybe dropping into a crossfit class every now and again. Fast forward 9 months to the picture on the right, taken Wednesday Oct 3, 2012. I've been with Jason for 10 months (hired him in Dec 2011), and started following his menu and training program. On July 4th we booked my show.  There is so much I could say about the last 10 months with Jason but I will save that for another post. #consistency #dedication #willpower #drive #GOAL #work #hustle #kill
crossfit junkie                    globo junkie

"Champions do not become champions when they win the event, but in the hours, weeks, and months they spend preparing for it." -Alan Armstrong

Tickets for the show are on sale already. click -----> here <-----
There is no rush to buy. They shouldn't sell out.