Its actually here. The final week of prep. I can not believe that in 7 days I will be stepping on stage, in a bikini, wearing heels, with a super dark tan and a smile on my face!!! And I couldn't be more excited for it!!! No matter what the final outcome is, I know that I have worked so hard, and learned so much from this experience. There's nothing I would take back, or wouldn't do all over again.
A lot of people have asked me if there is a prize, or prize money if you win this type of competition. There is not, at least not at the novice (local) level. I was never doing this for the prize. I've been doing it for ME! Yep, selfish right. ME!!! Its been close to a ten year goal of mine to do a show, and as approach 30 years old, I'm finally doing it. BOOM! Theres one prize. The new physique I've achieved....BOOM...another prize. The knowledge in nutrition and training.....theres a 3rd and 4th prize. The pride, will power, determination, the work, the hustle.....the list goes on. All prizes in my book. And I'm taking it all home. =)
The final week of prep is super important. I will meet with Joe (posing) everyday until the show. I will continue to lift until 2 days before the show. Cardio will still be done fasted for 30 minutes everyday, but I can only WALK on the treadmill with an incline. Its normal for the body to fight a little at the end with the body fat drop, which is exactly what mine was doing, so we had to turn the cardio down a notch. I'm ok with that! Its actually kinda relaxing to do something less intense for a change. I have all my appointments set up for the next week; nails, hair, waxing, tanning and of course a massage!
Jason changed my diet for the final week as well. Guess what......MORE CARBS!!! GASP!!! I don't fully understand it, but I guess we are "carbing" me up, or "filling me back out". So every meal has a protein (tilipia, chicken or egg whites) paired with a carb (cream of rice, white rice or yams). Doesn't sound to bad does it? I know most of you think that all a bikini competitor eats is air and water. Its so not the case here, and I actually get pretty defensive when people make silly assumptions. (I'm sure there are plenty of other girls on a zero carb, miserable eating plan, and I feel bad for them) I've said it before and I will say it again...Hired. The. Right. Trainer. =)
Halloween came and went and not only did I not eat one piece of candy! I really didn't even want any!! Thats huge for me. I love Halloween fun size candy. I did freeze some. Act like.
Feeling really good about everything entering the final phase of prep. Getting lots of sleep and drinking plenty of water. Dreaming about my post show meal and treats! Who's buying?!? =)
Thanks for following my blog! It means a lot.
Keep you posted on the next 7 days!! =)
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