I am just under 7 weeks from the NPC show on November 9th. WOW!!! Time truly does fly. It seems like yesterday I had just marked the date on my calendar. But a whole 11 weeks have just whizzed by us!!! In no time, I'll be counting down the days, then the hours, then the minutes until showtime, not by weeks or months anymore.
Some changes have been made. GOOD changes. I hired a posing coach. Got a menu change. And, drum roll please...........I will NOT be competing in the figure category at this time. And I'm TOTALLY cool with it! To catch you up, I hired Joe Valdez for my posing. He knows his strut! Hes been posing and training girls for years, and as a body builder and ex FORD model trainer, he is most definitely the best guy for the job to coach my klutzy ass to pose and walk in a pair of clear high heels. He brought up the idea of me competing in the bikini category vs figure based on my overall "look" and size. This whole time I thought i was to "big" and muscly to be a "bikini" girl, and that figure was the way to go. But, as it turns out, athletic and muscle is what they WANT for bikini! Its just a "softer" look compared to the figure girls. My dreams of doing figure are not over yet though. Joe and Jason both say that I am well suited for figure, but at this point, i just don't have the muscle mass to be as competitive with the other figure girls in my height class. So what does this mean?!?! This means I can eat my way through the holidays (mass gain!!!), continue to train the way I do to build more muscle, and then come spring, I should be good to do figure class. My plan is to see how I do in bikini class this fall, and who knows, I may stick to this class for a while. But its always nice to have a plan for the future and set GOALS! =)
I got to design my bikini this past week. Probably the 2nd hardest thing I've had to do for all of this, after the posing in heels. I went and saw this awesome lady Janine out in Buckeye. Shes been making swimsuits for years and really has a handle on the creative side of it. I went with a deep jewel tone purple number with crystals and glitter and bedazzlement all over it!!! So not like me! I can't wait to see it and I'll be sure to post it on here when its done. It will only take her about 2 weeks to complete! And the answer is YES! She can make your personalized swimsuit for next summer, for like, less than $100!
Janine- janinewham@aim.com
i had a client ask me if I'm doing things that I never thought I would do to get ready for this show. I had to laugh at the question, because the answer is, HELL YES!! For instance, I bought, and have been wearing a
corset. Started wearing heels to work. Waxing......I don't think I need to say more...OUCH! Hiring a GUY to teach me to pose/walk. Walking around a gym in my bikini. The list goes on, but I'm LOVING every part of it. This whole process really makes you get to know yourself.
The biggest question......"What are you eating? Probably next to nothing". I get defensive here because I'm actually eating A LOT, and I'm FULL, as in....NOT HUNGRY!!! Want to know another shocker.....I eat CARBS!!!! GASP!!!!
Heres the new menu plan (I refuse to call it a diet):
Meal 1: 40g Cream of Rice, 2oz chicken, 4 egg whites
Meal 2: 4oz flank steak, 1/2c white rice
Meal 3: 1/2c black beans, 1c green beans, 4oz tilapia
Meal 4: 5 egg whites, 1/3c white rice
Meal 5: 5oz yam, 4oz chicken
Meal 6: 8 asparagus, whey protein shake
The carbs and protein is what is keeping me full. I'm not drooping pounds like I was before, but I can definitely see my body leaning out more. Strange how it all works out. #hiredtherighttrainer
Pancake Monday is no longer. =( Its been an entire month since I have had a cheat/refeed. But its all worth it.
***reminder: this menu plan was designed for me. may not work for everyone. contact
Jason to get your personalized plan! ***
Current Weight: 122#
Body Fat: 17%
Cardio is up to 5x per week, but still only for 30 minutes. Strength sessions are still 5x a week. I've been told that I need to build up my glutes more, so don't laugh at me when you see me doing walking lunges where ever I go!
Overall feeling great and energetic. There are days when I do feel some fatigue at the end of the day due to the lean out and my busy schedule, but for the most part.....this is a walk in the park! =)
Here is a picture taken last week striking my bikini pose. BOOM!
Hopefully I can get weekly progress pics posted from here on out.
strike a pose 9/19/12 |
backside 9/9/12 |
"You don't always get what you wish for, you get what you WORK for"