Flights are booked and registration is paid. I'm headed up to the Northwest for the Emerald Cup in Bellevue Washington!!! In just 10 short weeks I will be stepping on stage (in a NEW, {thinking blue} bikini) for competition #2!!! I am beyond excited for this show. Its stepping up my game a little bit being a bigger more credible expo, but I'm ready for the challenge. BRING. IT. ON!
I'm flying in 4 days early to spend time with my friend Marissa in Oregon. Then we will make the 4 hour drive up to Washington the day before the show starts. Marissa is a fellow competitor (figure class) and has been a true inspiration and loyal sidekick for me during my prep. I can't thank her enough for her understanding, support and hospitality. ***you should follow her blog here***
Contest prep is no different really from the last time. I was able to build some muscle during my short off season (praying for a bigger bootay), so now its time to maintain muscle and lean the heck out...aka...the fun part. =) Eating is plenty and the lifting is heavy. =) 10 more weeks to stay on track.
One night, while catching on my smut (Star magazine), I was reading my horoscope. "A door from your past will open a door to your future". And what do you know, a door from my long ago past, did open a door to my future. I never would have guessed it either, all with a little help from the mighty Book.......FACEBOOK!
Turns out, an old friend of mine knows a casting director of some sort. This person saw me on her facebook and approached me about fitness modeling. Emails and pictures were exchanges and BOOM! I am signed with Arizona Model and Actor Management. I can not WAIT to start on this next adventure with Gail and her agency. Very much still in shock and almost disbelief until I book my first job and cash in that check!! =)
Hard work and dedication pays off. I am very grateful. And will now always read more into my horoscope. ;)
I hope everyone is having a fantastic 2013 so far and is sticking to their goals and resolutions!