I was FINALLY able to pick up my suit after a torturing 4 weeks of waiting. Which isn't very long in the greater scheme of things to have a custom bikini made, but I just could NOT wait to see it!! I am more than pleased with how it turned out. Tell me what you think!!! I'm gonna try not to post any pictures of me in it....saving that for the big day!!
***bling bling*** |
As far as prepping goes, its just another week except now I'm getting MORE FOOD!!! *not a typo* Yep, MORE FOOD people. More carbs, the good stuff, if you want to get technical. I'm on a random rotation of a high cal, medium cal and low cal day. The calories only vary by 200-300 give or take. On the high cal (carb) days and the days following these high days I tend to have that hungry, I could probably eat everything you put in front of me and never feel full type of feeling ....that's the only bad part about these extra carbs. But being hungry is a good thing! It means it fueled my engine back up into a fat burning, muscle building, leaning out MACHINE! These next 3 weeks is when a lot of changes will be happening. I'm so excited...I think I'll go eat more carbs!! ;)
Weight- 119#
Body Fat- 12% *finally got an accurate 7 point pinch test*
I can't thank everyone enough for all your support and kind words of encouragement. I couldn't do it without you!!!
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