Making goals can help keep us on track and focused. It doesn't matter what your goal is, or how big or small it may seem, but setting and sticking to it is the key.
My long term goal is to step on stage and compete in my first figure show on November 9th and 10th, 2012. Sometimes it seems SO FAR away!! 87 days far away, but who's counting right?!?! To keep myself motivated I set weekly and/or monthly goals to hit. Sometimes even daily goals just to make things fun and challenge myself; like making a daily goal of finishing a gallon of water, or hitting a weight goal for the week and/or month. I don't always reward myself once my goals have been hit, sometimes just the feeling of accomplish is so much greater than any thing or reward. My current goal this month is to hit 125# on the scale. I never would imagine that I would ever be 130#, never mind below that weight. So I challenged myself to hit 125#. I'm not doing anything extra in my strength workouts, I'm not adding any extra time to my cardio routine, and I'm definitely not cutting any calories. Just sticking to the current plan. But by setting the goal, it sets the tone and keeps me mentally in the game. Something to reach for. Something to remind me to not slip off the plan. To keep going and not get let down. To have something to look forward to. And once I hit my number, I do plan on rewarding myself for this one. Can someone say LuLuLemon!?!? Every womens love to hate store! Its been a while since I've treated myself to a new outfit from there. But, I gotta earn it. So once I hit 125#, I'm taking my booty over to the closest LuLu and picking up a new outfit!
Today, my daily goal is to sit by the pool this afternoon and finally finish book 2 of the Shades of Gray series. Keeping it simple and relaxing today.
What are some of your daily, monthly, long term goals? Do you reward yourself?
Current Stats:
Weight- 127.4#
BF- 18.5%
Still no changes to eating plan or training. Although pancake Monday changed to pancake Thursday because my body wasn't ready for the refeed yet.