Sunday, March 18, 2012

Baking with Pro Powder Part 1

     If your one of the lucky few to have had my mothers infamous Kris Kringle Christmas Bread, then you know that I love to bake (Last year i made over 4 dozen loaves). I especially love to bake when I'm stressed out. The measuring, organizing, the mess and the clean up is somehow all very therapeutic to me. And the "icing on the cake" is you get a delicious home made baked goodie master piece when your through!

     The last few weeks have been pretty non stop between work, training, and competing in the Crossfit Open, and it doesn't look like its going to slow down anytime soon. I stumbled upon this great website for recipes and have been dying to try one. Everything is made with protein powder!!! Being the health nut, gym junkie, meathead  I am, i was instantly excited about pretty much everything on here. Tonight, to relieve some stress and get my mind off of things I tackled the whey protein banana-pumpkin bread. They came out really good, super healthy and was very easy to make. They would also make really yummy muffins! More posts of recipes from the pro powder website to come in the near future.

Vanilla Whey Pro Pumpkin-Banana Loaf

     Since these bad boys are slightly off the menu for me at the moment, I'm gonna have to freeze them, or if your lucky, I'll give you one. =)

     "Whose bread I eat: his song I sing."  – German Proverb

1 comment:

  1. Looks like I have a new blog to visit! I can't wait to try this. :)
